As we move into the season, we’re seeing a surge of viruses, including respiratory illnesses and tummy bugs causing vomiting and diarrhea. Recovery may take 10-14 days, with fevers lasting 4-7 days.
To protect your family, please avoid ER visits unless your child has:
Emergency rooms can increase the risk of catching additional illnesses. If you're concerned, follow the guidelines below and reach out to us as needed.
If your child’s condition worsens after 5-6 days, please schedule an evaluation.
While you can always reach out via our portal, many questions can be answered through the above guidelines. Your child's health is our top priority!
Stay well, stay informed, and remember: patience is key with viruses.
Please refer to the above chart - a few things to note. Infant and Children's Tylenol are the same strength, it doesn't matter which one you have. Can be given with all other cold and cough medications EXCEPT there are some cold and cough for older kids 6 & older that might also have tylenol (acetaminophen) in them. Typically tylenol can be alternated with Motrin(Ibuprofen) for children 6 months and up, however in cases of very high fever that won't come down or pain - they can be given together. Otherwise alternate every 3 hours if above 6 months old. Please also note, you may have been given a weight based dose by us, please follow the instructions we gave will likely be more than listed on chart.
Tylenol is available in suppository form and can be very useful for those kiddos who do not take medications well or who are vomiting with fever. It is available at most pharmacy's and major stores.
Please refer to the above chart - a few things to note. Infant and Children's Motrin strength are NOT the same strength, it DOES matter which one you have. ONLY given to 6 months of age and older. Can be given with all other cold and cough medications. Typically Motrin can be alternated with Tylenol (acetaminophen) for children 6 months and up, however in cases of very high fever that won't come down or pain - they can be given together. Otherwise alternate every 3 hours if above 6 months old. Please also note, you may have been given a weight based dose by us, please follow the instructions we gave will likely be more than listed on chart.
If your infant is less than 3 months old and has a fever please call us or be seen by another healthcare provider. **Please first treat the fever with tylenol.
Parents might worry when a child's temperature rises, but a fever itself causes no harm and can actually be a good thing — often, it's the body's way of fighting infections.
Different viruses will cause higher fevers, ie influenza which lately has been 102-104. You will treat it with tylenol and/or
ibuprofen (6 months and older). Use the charts to the left. You can alternate medications every 3 hours. In some cases of a fever of 104 or above, you may give both at the same time. May also perform cooling measures, such as a cool cloth or a luke warm bath. Sometimes fevers are persistent, that's, influenza may do this for 4-7 days.
**Fever is not a reason to go to the ER, unless you have an infant less then 3 months old or the fever is persistent above 104 after giving both tylenol and motrin , and performing other coooling measure.
In general, a fever is probably not serious if your child is 3 months or older and:
Fevers will make a child fussy, also causing increased heart and respiratory rate. These symptoms should resolve when fever is reduced.
The best way to take a temperature:
(we encourage parents to have a method of taking it different ways)
In every sick infant...humidifier, steam showers, bulb suctioning with saline, and treating for fever/pain with tylenol (acetaminophen) or motrin (ibuprofen - if over 6 months) - see charts. These can be given with the options listed below. Formula/breast feeding may take longer and possibly not as much...supplement with pedialyte as needed to keep hydrated.
Zarbees and Hylands are just 2 brands that are typically readily available locally that make age appropriate, homeopathic medications for infants. HOWEVER, please make sure to check the age on the might be looking for something approved for at least 2 months and older. We advise against using anything not approved in the US by the FDA.
Infants will pull at their ears for several reasons...teething, a habit, itchy...and with illness they will experience pain related to pressure secondary to congestion. This does not mean it's an infection. Treat for pain/fever if needed.
Infant chest rub / typically homepathic versions are approved for 2 months and older, this is fine as an additional therapy.
In every sick toddler...humidifier, steam showers, bulb suctioning with saline, chest rub, and treating for fever/pain with tylenol (acetaminophen) or motrin (ibuprofen) - see charts. These can be given with the options listed below. Push fluids - water, Pedialyte or if absolutely necessary watered down juice/gatorade.
Zarbees and Hylands are just 2 brands that are typically readily available locally that make age appropriate, homeopathic medications for toddlers. HOWEVER, please make sure to check the age on the box to make sure it is age appropriate. We advise against using anything not approved in the US by the FDA.
Humidifiers and warm steam showers can help with some of the congestion. At this age, there are additional cough and congestion medications available. Just check that the medication is safe for use for your child's age. Some of these may have "acetaminophen" which is tylenol. Check the ingredients before giving more tylenol. OTHERWISE, you may alternate with acetaminophen/ibuprofen every 3 hours.
More often then not, a cough in children does not need to be treated with antibiotics. Causes of cough include allergies, asthma, viruses (can affect both upper and lower airway) and in a few cases a bacterial cause.
Very often with a upper respiratory viral infection or allergies there will be post nasal drip. This will cause your child to cough more at night and first thing in the morning. Propping them up and offering age appropriate over the counter medications is sometimes warranted.
A dry barky cough can be croup, but it can also occur with allergies and asthma. If you feel your child has croup, we encourage you to reach out to us. However, at home you can do steam shower/humidifier, take them outside in the cool air or open your freezer door.
A goopy eye is not always a bacterial infection requiring antibiotic drops. Viruses and allergies can cause goopy, mildly pink eyes. How do you know which it is? Chances are if the goopy matches the drainage coming out of their nose, it's viral. Their eyes might be slightly red/irritated but not "beefy red".
A true bacterial "pink eye" more often occurs without any other symptoms and just involves the eye or eyes. They can often be itchy and swollen as well. If your child has these symptoms, please give us a call to be seen.
All of this being said, we are always happy to check your child to confirm .
Both vomiting and diarrhea can affect children of all ages. Infants less than 3 months need to be evaluated urgently for persistent symptoms as they may become dehydrated quicker. Pedialyte would be the preferred fluid for those under the age of 1. Otherwise during a tummy bug, push clear fluids, and avoid anything with too much sugar. Avoid milk and dairy. Keep their diet bland and doing so should continue 2-3 days after the illness or they may experience tummy pain and cramping. Please be aware that you if you allow your child to return to a "normal" diet before their tummy is ready, it may result in more diarrhea.
Please do not worry about your child's appetite in the first week of an illness, HOWEVER you do need to make sure they stay hydrated. Water, Pedialyte, broth, or watered down juice are good options.