Dear Parents,
Since our opening in 2021, we have offered our patient portal services completely free of charge. While we believe this service is an important method of communication, we have noticed a sharp increase in portal messages over time. We have done our best to respond to messages promptly, providing availability for 16 hours a day. However, managing these messages has become more than a full-time responsibility, requiring our providers and staff to volunteer significant time after hours and on weekends, often taking time away from their families.
Previously, insurance companies did not consider portal messaging a form of “telemedicine.” However, they now allow us to bill insurance for these interactions. There are specific exclusions listed below that will not be billed to your insurance.
Please note that portal messaging is not a substitute for an office visit. If you find that your message requires several paragraphs to explain a condition or concern, we kindly ask that you call our office to schedule an appointment instead. This will help ensure your concerns are addressed appropriately and comprehensively. Exceptions will, of course, be made when necessary.
We appreciate your understanding as we implement these changes. Rising operational costs, especially in California, make it necessary to adapt in order to continue serving your family for years to come. Depending on your insurance plan, co-payments, and deductibles, portal messages that result in billing may lead to personal costs ranging from $15 to $50. However, we do not anticipate charges exceeding $25.
To help minimize unnecessary charges, we encourage parents to utilize our website, which provides treatment recommendations (including medications) for a variety of common conditions. Additionally, you can visit for trusted pediatric resources. If you cannot find the information you need or prefer to reach out to us, we are always here to help.
Portal Charges (including but not limited to):
No Charge for the Following:
After-Hours Nurse Line Charges: For the past 18 months, we have contracted with a nationally recognized Pediatric Registered Nurse line to assist families after hours. While we have absorbed the costs of this service, we are unable to bill your insurance for these calls. Moving forward, there will be a $25 charge for completing a call with our after-hours service. This fee will not apply if the call is related to a same-day prescription issue or other same-day visit concerns.
We are proud to serve your family as one of the only stand-alone pediatric practices in the county. Our goal is to remain a sustainable practice for years to come. We deeply appreciate your understanding and continued trust in our care.
The Milestone Team
We value your time and want to make accessing information as convenient as possible.
Follow these simple steps to set up your account on our new Patient Portal:
Click the link to get started: Patient Portal Link
Use the guarantor email you provided in your patient paperwork.
Note: This email might differ from the one previously managing the portal.
The system will prompt you to create a new password during your first login.
Device Compatibility
Browser Issues
Still experiencing problems? Email us at, and we’ll be happy to assist you.
We appreciate your patience and look forward to supporting your family's health journey!
Before requesting an appointment, please take a moment to review our detailed Treatment/Info section. It covers common concerns like fever, cough/congestion, and other virus-related questions for infants, children, and older kids.
💡 Why check this first?
You might find the answers you need—saving you time and helping us respond to urgent cases faster!
If your concern isn’t addressed, don’t hesitate to reach out to us via message.
Thank you for helping us provide the best care possible!